Thursday 5 May 2011

Benedick speaks...

Martin McBride is playing the part of the eternal bachelor Benedict, here he reflects on what's been and what' yet to come:

"Well, hello. So, the tech begins tomorrow. (That seems a bit scarier when you write it down). On and off we've been working on this production since Febuary and we've finally come to the home stretch. This is where all the pieces (hopefully) fall together, where the proverbial solids hit the proverbial air conditioning. It's been a fantastic rehearsal process; challenging, enlightening, tiring but most of all fun. Fun in spades, like.
 Been working with the genius that is Ros Steen, one of our voice coaches on the production, today. Still mining the text for all it's worth, to the last minute.
 Had a quick glance at the set today, like a sneak peak photo, which I've got to say is looking pretty cool.
What else have we got for you?
What haven't we got!
Laughter, heartbreak, the mafia, the church, the army, intrigue, sex, death, darkness and light and some pretty slick dancing as a little cherry on top of the delicious muffin that is our production. Baked by our tireless, talented and downright lovely director and assistant director, Ali DeSouza and Andrew Mcgregor.
So, yeah, come see it. It's gonna be right good.
To the Tech!
Oh, and it starts at 7pm.
Not 7.30."

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