Tuesday 24 May 2011

And in the end....

Well this will be the last ever post from the Much Ado team.  We had a fantastic time on Friday and Saturday taking the show out to St Columba's School in Kilmacolm and then to the Arts Guild in Greenock with the Greenock Youth Theatre.  It was great fun to be involved with the young people and the reponse we got from them was fantastic.  You can see lots of photos from our trip here and a short video here that gives a taste of what we were up to.

The other half of the A2 class are performing Midsummer's Nights Dream this week, and having seen the dress rehearsal it comes highly recommended.  Also the Masters in Classical and Contemporary Text are performing at Scottish Youth Theatre, they are pulling of the impressive feat of The War of Roses play cycle, part 3 (Richard III) starts tonight!

Thanks to all those who have been reading this blog regularly and to those we either came along to see our show or participated in our workshop.

Friday 20 May 2011

Doing it for the kids...

Today was a very strange, exciting and ultimately fulfilling day.  It started standing in the pouring rain with 10 costumes, 10 pairs of shows, loads of hats and boxes of props - but ended with 62 very happy young people and great feedback from enthusiastic teachers.

We took our production on the road to St Columba's school in Kilmalcolm.  This was a pretty big undertaking, we had about 4 hours of workshops followed by a specially cut version of the play (down from 3 hours to 1)!  The young people were introduced to the main characters in the play and were also given roles to act out when we came to do the performance.

Here you can see Mark explaining to the group what the Globe theatre would have been like back in the day...

We acted out some scenes and encouraged the different classes to react to what was going on:

All in all it was a very successful day,  and hopefully something that the RSAMD shall continue to do.  We are heading to Greenock tomorrow to play the show to a youth theatre and then that's just about it all wrapped up and done!

Friday 13 May 2011

The fat lady has almost sung....

Our show is almost over. I don't think any of us can believe it! We have one more performance tomorrow night and then we bid this version of Much Ado adieu!

But the story doesn't end there. We then have the challenging task of bringing the play to a school and a youth theatre. More about that next week, right now we're focusing on the final night - and the party afterwards of course!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Dress rehearsal then Showtime!!!

We had a great dress rehearsal last night, with the show going really well - especially since we haven't run it for almost a week!  We had full hair and makeup which really adds to the 1950s sparkle!

It has really been a pleasure working on the show, and everyone has had such a fun time, now we can but hope that the audiences will appreciate it!  You can see all the pics from the Dress on our Facebook album.

There are still limited seats available for some nights but hurry as they are almost all gone!

Friday 6 May 2011

Almost there....

Today was a really exciting day with all the tech done - the only thing left to do is the dress rehearsal and then we're on! We have a huuuuge bunch of photos for you to look at on the right hand side (or on Facebook here) these show off the wonderful costumes and masks (though sometimes we were just wearing our plain clothes as you can see!).

This is my fav pic of the day, Bobby looking very impressive...

Thursday 5 May 2011


Today was the first day the actors have been on set in full costume.  We were mainly working on lights and sound but it was a great opportunity to try out our really exciting, purpose-built masks!  Every character is a different animal, most of them real but Beatrice (trust her) decided to come dressed as a Unicorn!

 The play is really starting to come to life with the exciting set, lighting design and costumes just adding to the excitement!

Another day of tech tomorrow and then hopefully we can start to run things over the weekend... Some tickets are still available from the RSAMD box office!

Benedick speaks...

Martin McBride is playing the part of the eternal bachelor Benedict, here he reflects on what's been and what' yet to come:

"Well, hello. So, the tech begins tomorrow. (That seems a bit scarier when you write it down). On and off we've been working on this production since Febuary and we've finally come to the home stretch. This is where all the pieces (hopefully) fall together, where the proverbial solids hit the proverbial air conditioning. It's been a fantastic rehearsal process; challenging, enlightening, tiring but most of all fun. Fun in spades, like.
 Been working with the genius that is Ros Steen, one of our voice coaches on the production, today. Still mining the text for all it's worth, to the last minute.
 Had a quick glance at the set today, like a sneak peak photo, which I've got to say is looking pretty cool.
What else have we got for you?
What haven't we got!
Laughter, heartbreak, the mafia, the church, the army, intrigue, sex, death, darkness and light and some pretty slick dancing as a little cherry on top of the delicious muffin that is our production. Baked by our tireless, talented and downright lovely director and assistant director, Ali DeSouza and Andrew Mcgregor.
So, yeah, come see it. It's gonna be right good.
To the Tech!
Oh, and it starts at 7pm.
Not 7.30."

Wednesday 4 May 2011


Today started bright and early with Ros Steen, head of the department for voice at the academy. These were detailed sessions that showed just how much you can still pull out of the text this far into the process.

We then moved into the theatre to plot the lights and sound. This is a really long process but the results were excellent, with our lighting man Alex doing an amazing job.

So tomorrow is a big day as it's the first time the cast will get to run the play on the set, very exciting stuff! Tickets are going really well so make sure you pick yours up from the RSAMD box office as soon as possible.

Monday 2 May 2011


 As well as featuring classic tunes of the period such as' Sing! Sing! Sing!' and 'Tuxedo Junction' - this interpretation of Much Ado features original compositions using Shakespeare's words.  Jess Hardwick plays the part of Ursula, have a listen above to hear her version of 'Sigh No More' - this is a recurring theme throughout the play and was written and recorded by our assistant director Andrew McGregor.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Our director speaks....

Our director for 'Much Ado About Nothing' is the wonderful Ali De Souza, here he tells us what his thoughts are as the show edges closer to its opening night on the 10th of June:

"As we glide into production week (like a cool swan, whose feet are paddling furiously below the surface of the calm water…) I am taking a few minutes to reflect on my wonderful cast and crew! The rehearsal process has been a joy – mainly because the play has engendered such passion in all of us. Much Ado about Nothing is so rich, so engaging and so surprisingly modern – not bad for a play written 412 years ago.  The Goddess of Loveliness has conferred all her gifts on the supremely talented cast, and still found plenty over in her coffers to bestow yet more loveliness on the supremely talented stage managers, designers, choreographer, movement directors and my invaluable assistant Andrew – whose talents worryingly know no limits. It all makes my job very fine indeed. We have a wee way to go, but time yet to go there, and I am looking forward very much to introducing that last crucial ingredient - the audience"

Tickets available from the RSAMD Box Office.